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Welcome to NetVizor's 10 Step Remote Installation Guide. This guide will help you properly invisibly remotely install and configure your NetVizor clients on network computers from a central location without having to physically visit each computer.

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Step 1 (optional)
Note: This step is not necessary for remote installation of the NetVizor client, but it is necessary for remotely transferring settings to computers being monitored with NetVizor as shown in steps 8 and 9. If you do not plan on remotely configuring clients proceed to step 3.

Install NetVizor's client on the central machine you want to monitor and install the NetVizor client's from (refer to steps 1-4 of the NetVizor Installation Guide for assistance).

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Step 2 (optional)
Note: This step is not necessary for remote installation of the NetVizor client, but it is necessary for remotely transferring settings to computers being monitored with NetVizor as shown in steps 8 and 9.
If you do not plan on remotely configuring clients proceed to step 3.

Access the NetVizor client you have installed from the previous step and configure it's settings and activity filters as desired. Once the client is configured as needed, click on "Export NetVizor Settings" in the "General Settings" menu on the NetVizor interface. Website and Application filters you have configured can be exported from the "Content Filtering" menu.

These exported settings will be used in steps 8 and 9 after the client has been remotely installed.


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Step 3
To perform a remote installation of the NetVizor client on a computer on your network, select it from the computer list and click "View Activities". From there choose the "Install Client on Computer" command.

If the computer you want to install the client on does not appear in the computer list you can use the "Computer List Configuration" window to add computers manually.


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Step 4
When you click the "Install Client.." command in the previous step you will be asked to select your NetVizor client installation file. This file is named NVClientInstall.exe and was packaged in the NetVizor download. Once you have selected the client installer click Open to proceed.

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Step 5
You will now be asked to enter login details for the computer you want to do the install on. This login must be an administrator-level login for the target computer, otherwise the installation will not work.

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Step 6
Use the "Test Computer Login" button to verify that your settings are correct. When your login test succeeds click the Install button to start the installation.

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Step 7
A console window will display that will show the status of the client installation. Assuming everything goes as planned you will get a message stating the install completed successfully. The NetVizor client is now active and monitoring the target computer in a completely invisible fashion.

If the installation fails you will be told why.

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Step 8 (optional)
Now that the NetVizor client has been silently installed and started on the target computer you may want to transfer settings to it. This is useful when you have many computers that you want using the same settings profiles. To transfer settings to the monitored computer click on the computer in the list, then "View Activities", and then choose an appropriate command from the "Synchronize Settings..." menu.

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Step 9 (optional)
After clicking a command in the "Synchronize Settings..." menu you will prompted to select an Export File that you have exported NetVizor's settings or filters to. Select the file you exported in step 2 of this guide, and click the Open button to proceed.

When the synchronization (settings transfer) finishes you will be notified. You can then optionally restart the client to apply the settings right away, otherwise they will apply when the target computer reboots.

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Step 10
Now that you are familiar with how NetVizor can be remotely deployed on your network you may want to do batch installations or settings transfers. To do so simply select multiple computers in your list (hold the CONTROL key and click on each computer) and click "View Activities". Proceed as shown above for doing the remote install and settings synchronizations and you will be able to install the client and transfer settings to all the selected computers in an efficient manner.


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